Cute N Cool

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Thankful Thursday..we did it..we actually had "food garden" stuff this year!!

Brought to us by The Blessed Country Mom...please join in, "it is a good thing"!


  1. yeah for you!! Are home grown tomatoes just the best thing ever??

    It looks like your tomato plants have Late Blight... some of mine do too. It is rampant across the country. Doesn't hurt the fruit, but mighty nasty looking to the plant.

  2. oooh pretty pics and that top tomato looks wonderful... love tomatos!!

  3. congrats!!! everything looks SO yummy!!!

  4. looks awesome! our broccoli doesn't look good. now you have get in gear and start canning...just kidding!

  5. I can't believe how bright red some of your tomatoes are already. I've had 2 ripe ones and several more that are turning, but it seems to go so slooooow!

  6. Mmmm looks great! My tomatoes did not come out good this year at all! I have never had such a bad year for them, oh well =)

  7. My wife and were just talking about how great it would be to have a garden like this.
    It looks really great!

    Oh, Thanks for mentioning on my Something Sighted blog that the cloud jumping over the fence looks like a pig. I was trying to figure out what it reminded me of. You nailed it!

  8. congrats - they look so good

    Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ

  9. Your "food garden" turned out great! Everything looks wonderful! :) Ours didn't fare well this year - the weather has been too finicky, and the critters decided we planted the garden for year it'll either be a raised bed or we'll fence it in to make sure we get something... :)


Thank you for your comments...I mean really...Thank you for taking the time to do that.. how nice of you!