Cute N Cool

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Have you seen this yet? The amazing dancing Dog...

You may have seen this pooch.

Wow.. she does the whole dance..what an amazing dog... I hate to say it but it makes my pooch's seem kind of ..well.. lame in the talent department.


  1. Isn't that something!!!!!!!!!! A long time for a dog to be up on it's hind legs, but he sure was happy. Tail waggin all the time, and smiling. Wow!

  2. That's hillarious!!! I'm sorry I've been gone so long,computer problems.I'm back now.

  3. And by the way. None of us are spring chickens anymore. I've noticed I need oiling like Tin man at times.

  4. Oh, my gosh! That is amazing! And the dog seems to be enjoying herself too.

  5. So cute! I saw another one with those 2 awhile back and they were on a Spanish tv station being interviewed and dancing! Makes me smile every time!

  6. Oh my word, that is the neatest thing, what a talented pooch!! She makes our dogs look lame too lol! I love how she looks like she is having fun, smiling and wagging her tail, so cute!


Thank you for your comments...I mean really...Thank you for taking the time to do that.. how nice of you!