Cute N Cool

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My New Toy ...a Netbook!

A certain well known Cellular company just rolled out a pretty cool item, that I had to have..

It's a Netbook.. made by HP, and I gotta tell you.. it is pretty cool!

I got mine on Tuesday, and I am still getting used to it, after all my home Computer is a going back to Windows XP feels odd.

If you see more typo's then usual (hehe!) I will be blaming it on that funny little laptop type keyboard... (rather than taking responsibility for my own poor typing skills, and typing faster than my little fingers can move)! Actually the keyboard is a good size for such a little "Mini" Laptop, I am so used to an Ergo keyboard that these little straight ones are even harder for me, poor typist that I am.

It is perfect for Bloggers and Social Network types.. not meant to do the biz stuff!

Now to get my Linksys Router and Clearwire all in one accord with it, as the WiFi should work with my home ethernet, to save my data package from being used.
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  1. jan, i 'bot' one of those...they say be careful about getting viruses on them...not sure why. avg is a good and free virus protector. i haven't used mine yet. is yours vista or xp? mine is xp which is nice. congrats!!

  2. Wow that does look cool! How convient is that going to be and I know what you mean....Apple vs. Mac..we have both and it is confusing sometimes to me.

  3. Oh how fun! Yeah, I used a Mac when I was in college and when I worked (must say I loved them!) and now I have Windows Vista. Luckily I was used to going back and forth between my dad's pc and my Macs. I am sure you will get used to it in no time! =)

  4. Ooooo, girl! You are rollin' now!!!!

  5. Very nice!!!! You will have a lot of fun with that!

  6. How cool! Have fun with your new toy!
    I have only used a Mac once, it was so weird!

  7. having held it in my little hands...I can attest it is just about the cutest baby laptop ever!

  8. That's so cute. I can't believe it's running XP. I would love that (I had to get a new laptop a few months ago and bought one with Vista 64 - not compatible with many of my extras...). I've worked with both Macs and PCs and we are definitely a PC family. :-)

  9. WOW!!!!!!!!!! That is so awesome!!! It looks so techy, how nifty!

  10. Isn't technology great?? I have not seen those little laptops -- too cool!!!


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